Thursday, July 5, 2007

I wish I was more interesting

So, I read other people's blogs everyday, and it sure does make me feel like I live a dull life:).

It is almost two months from the wedding and Slim and I are starting to make final arragements. I am so excited to sit down and test food at the hotel, and to put together our wedding playlists, for the reception.

We are up for whatever suggestions that you might want to throw in, to help in our planning.

Slim leaves for Africa in two weeks. I am pretty much jealous that I don't get to go with him, but am also sad, because we have never gone a day without talking since we have been together. I don't know what the internet will be like there, or if he will even have any acess, but I sure am hoping. He will be gone from July 19th-29th. You can keep him in your prayers. I am sort of hoping that he comes back and says that he wants to be in full time ministry there. Don't tell Janice:)

Here is a map of Africa. He will be in Nairobi, Kenya.


Brandi said...

Yes, but Kenya? That's so far from Liberia. If you are going to be missionaries somewhere, go for the west coast of Africa! Love you!