Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thanks Mel


Melanie said...

good job
i like yours better

Melanie said...

just watched the video. WOW. thanks

Anonymous said...

I must say, I was offended when I read your comment on Carly's blog. I found it rather offensive. What is wrong with sweatshirts? For someone who tries to put forth a Christian front, that seems very shallow. Have you considered how your words sound?

SlimTronic5000 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SlimTronic5000 said...

Sorry... had to delete the other one, due to some rather 'colorful' words I used...

Evidently, Laura and her 'Un-Christian-like' self, didn't think that it'd be the Christ-like thing to do (ironic..... isn't it?) to leave that post up.

So, for your viewing pleasure, here's a more toned down version:

Dear anonymous,

Have you considered that you're a d-bag!?

(yeah, how's that for Christian)

Jesus loves you (and me, still too)


You might want to also refer to my other comment on Laura's latest blog...
