Merry Christmas seniors of SW Florida. You are loved! We will have all the presents delivered by next Tuesday. Thank you for helping to brighten the lives of our greatest generation!
A Picture Worthy of Its Own Post
2 weeks ago
Merry Christmas seniors of SW Florida. You are loved! We will have all the presents delivered by next Tuesday. Thank you for helping to brighten the lives of our greatest generation!
Posted by Laura at 2:39 PM
Wow, the gifts look great. That was a lot of wrapping. I know the seniors will appreciate the gifts and thoughts.
Somewhere in that Christmas wonderfulness should be some tapioca pudding and lavender bath stuff for Eva...thanks for taking care of that for me friend.
can we help pass out gifts?
Good work! I'm really glad that you do this, as it seems that so many people are content to just pass by the stories and wisdom of elderly people. It's good to see you treasure them!
On Sunday Jay said that all seniors were accounted for in Be a Santa to a Senior! THAT IS AWEEEESOME! I know you've probably been swamped :)
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